Skyler Ware is the 2023 AAAS Mass Media Fellow with Science News. She is a fifth-year Ph.D. student at Caltech, where she studies chemical reactions that use or create electricity. Her writing has appeared in ZME Science and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing’s New Horizons Newsroom, among other outlets.

All Stories by Skyler Ware

  1. Animals

    Balmy ‘saunas’ help frogs fend off a deadly fungus 

    Hanging out in small sun-warmed hideaways could help some frogs resist deadly chytrid fungus, a new study finds.

  2. Fossils

    Young fossil hunters discover rare teen T. rex

    In public view, scientists at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science will prepare the fossil for display. Their work will take about a year.

  3. Chemistry

    Here’s why teens’ body odor can be especially strong

    The body odors of teens and younger kids share dozens of chemicals in common. But teens have some that infants and toddlers appear to lack.

  4. Environment

    To limit pollution, new recipe makes plastic a treat for microbes

    Microplastics made from fossil fuels take centuries to disappear. But the plant- and algae-based plastic can break down in weeks to months.

  5. Earth

    Earthquake sensor: Taylor Swift fans ‘Shake It Off’

    Scientists determined dancing fans were behind the seismic waves recorded during Swift’s August concerts.

  6. Tech

    How to prevent the robot replication apocalypse

    Today’s bot-building robots aren’t set on world domination. But scientists and philosophers want to keep future tech in check.

  7. Animals

    This massive ancient whale may be the heaviest animal ever known

    Called Perucetus colossus, it may have tipped the scales at up to 340 metric tons — more than today’s blue whales.

  8. Space

    New telescope images may unveil stars fueled by dark matter

    Three objects from the early universe could be hypothesized “dark stars,” researchers claim. But other scientists remain unconvinced.

  9. Tech

    New thermal ‘cloak’ keeps spaces from getting too hot or too cold

     A prototype fabric could help keep cars, buildings and other spaces cooler during heat waves while also reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.

  10. Space

    Scientists Say: Pulsar

    These rapidly spinning dead stars send beams of radio waves into space like cosmic lighthouses.

  11. Earth

    A volcanic eruption sparked the highest lightning ever seen

    The eruption plume spawned lightning that started 20 to 30 kilometers (some 12 to 19 miles) above sea level.